Labels:bulletin board | reckoner | sky | vegetarianism OCR: HOW PRICES FOR CONSUMER GOODS COMPAR Here's show rmuchthe Orrocks. Hagels and Kukiharas haveto pay for selected items intheir hometowus The Kukiharas spendup to 420% more than their Americanand German counterparts on many con- sumer rgoods, That is in part tbecause Japan restricts the number roflarge, cost-efficient stores that could forcemany rmom-and-pop shops which dominate Jap aneseretailing, to lower their prices. Selected prices indollars EDENPRAIBIE PFORZHEIN FUKUOKA MINN GERMANY JAPAN Gasoline 53.07 3.80 pe gallon Panwhose 5.00 7.54 3.65 (Chrstiar Dior Compaci Chsk 18.01 15.02 16.43 Daily mewspater 1.10 Big Mac 1.8E 2.5- Movi. ticket 109 6.96 11.68 CARO coffee Ground beef 1.1 2.61 6.15 iper pound Six-pack 4.02 2.55 9.64 (domestic) Eggs 2.00 tper dozen Red-eat lettuce 2.03 iper head ...